

General English

                                                                                                SIMPLE FUTURE                   

'Helping Verb'
Will / Shall
ü o;dfsfdx'g]jfnf t x'G5 t/ lgZlrt;do tf]lsPsf] x'b}g .
1.  Affirmative; Sub +will/shall+ mv1 + object.
For example;
pcfpg] 5 .
He will came.
xfldp;Fu e]6\g]5pm .
We shall meet him.
dnfO{ d]/f] a'jfn] af]nfpg' x'g]5 .
My father will call me.
Note: The action is simply mentioned and understood to have taken place in the past.
1.  Negative ( gsf/fTdsjfSo_ ; Sub + will/shall + MV1 + Object.
For example;
!= d}n] em'6f] af]n]sf] x'g] 5}g .
I shall did not tell a lie.
@= p;n] lkmNd x]/]sf] x'g]5 .
He will did not watch movie.
#= lbksn] xfldnfO{ k9fPsf] x'g]5}g\ .
Deepak will did not teach us.
2.  interrogative; will/shall+ Sub + mv1 + Object?
( Answer Only Yes or No )
For example ;
!= s] ltld v]Ng]5p<
Will you play?
@= s] ltldToxfF a:g]5p<
Will you stay there?
#= s] To;n] ltldnfO{ k9fpg]5<
Will he teach you?
3.  Double Interrogative ;Wh family +  will/shall + Sub + mv1 + Object?
For example;
!= ltldlsg ?Gg]5]p<
Why will you cry?
@= To;n] s] eGg] 5<
What will he say?
#= xfldsxfFhfg]5d\ <
Where will you go?
'Helping Verb'
Will/ shall + be
In past continuous, the action was on-going /still the certain time in the past.
For example;
vI shall be playing.
vI shall be not eating.
vI shall be not coming with you.
vHe will be not promising me.
vI shall be writing a notes.
-sfdeO{/x]ssf] x'g]5_
ü o;dfsfdrln/x]sf] x'g]5 . eljiosfndfs'g} sfdeO{ /x]sf] x'g]5eg]/ eGg' k/]df of] sfnsf] k|of]u ul/G5 .
1.  affirmative; Sub + shall/will + be + mv1 +ing + object.
For example;
!= d cfO{/x]sf] x'g]5' .
I shall be coming.
@= p kl/Iffsf] tof/L ul//x]sL x'lg5] .
She will be preparing for exam.
#= ltldxfd|f] af/]df ;f]lr/x]sf] x'g]5' .
You will be thinking about us.
2.  Negative ;Sub + will/shall  + not + be + mv1 + ing + object.
For example;
!= ltd|f] efO{n] ltldnfO{ af]nfO{ /x]sf] x'g]5  .
Your brother will notbe calling you.
@= d ltld;FucfO{/x]sf] x'g]5' .
I shall   not be coming with you.
#= p;n] dnfO{ a'‰g] sf]l;; ul//x]sf] x'g]5}g\  .
He will  notbe trying to understand me.
1.  interrogative; shall/will + be + Sub + be + mv1 +ing +Object?
For example;
!= s] ltldn] d ;Fu s'/f ul//x]lsx'g]5f}<
Willyoube talking to me?
@= s] pgLcfˆgf] 3/ uO{/x]lsx'g]l5g\<
Will she be going to her home?
#= s] ltldn]cfˆgf] hGdlbgdgfO{/x]sf] x'g]5f}<
Willyoube celebrating your birthday?
1.  Double Interrogative ;Wh family + will/shall + Sub + be + mv1 + ing +Object?
For example;
!=ltldcfh /fltsxfFuO{/x]s]f x'g]5f}<
Where will you be going night ?
#= ltldn] s'gkmf]gk|of]u ul//x]sf] x'g]5f}<
Which phone will you be using?

'Helping Verb'
Will/shall+ have + V3
In present prefect is used to express something that happened before another action in the past.
ü I will have eaten before 10 am
ü I will have sept before you arrive.
ü I will have played before 6 p.m.
vsfdul/;s]sf], of] sfndfsfd ;ls;s]sf] x'g]5 eg]/ hgfOG5.
ü Future Prefect; eljiodf sfd k'/f eO{;s]sf] . x'g]5 eg]/ hgfpg' k/]df of] sfnsf] k|of]u ul/G5 .

ü sfd k'/f eO{;s]sf] x'g]5eg]/ hgfpg' k/]df of] sfnsf] k|of]u ul/G5 .
1.  Affirmative; Sub + will/shall + have + mv3 + object.
For example;
!= d}n] vfgfvfO{;s]sf] x'g]5' .
I shall have eaten meal.
@= xfldp ;Fu e]l6 ;s]sfx'g]5f} .
We shall have met her.
#= pgLltld;uF e]l6 ;Sofx'g] l5g\ .
He will have  met you.
2.  Negative ;Sub + will/shall+ have + not + mv3 + object.
For example;
!= d}n] tfhdxn b]v]sf] x'g]5}g\ .
I shall not have seen TajMahal.
@= pgL  3/ k'lu ;Sg] l5g\ .
She will not have reached home.
3.  Interrogative; will/shall + Sub + have +mv3  +Object?
For example;
s] ltldn] Dofrlht]sf] x'g]5f}<
Will you have won the match?
s] ltldn] sfdul/;s]sf] x'g]5f}<
Will  youhave done work?
4.  Double Interrogative ;Wh family + will/shall + Sub + have +mv3 + Object?
For example;
ltldn] slxn] Dofrlht]sf] x'g]5f}<
When will you have won the match?
ltldn] s;/L sfdul/ /x]sf] x'g]5f}<
How will you have done work?
'Helping Verb'
shall been+ have/ will been+ have
Future prefect continuous is used to talk about an on-going action before some point in the future.
ü I will have been playing for two hours when you arrive.
ü I will have been sleeping for an hour when it is 5 P.M.
ü eljiosfndfsfdeO{ klg ;Sg] 5 / eO{ /x]sf] klgx'g]5 .
example; d laxfg b]lvkm'6an v]ln/x]sf] x'g]5' .
Note :o;dfs'g ;dodfsfdx'g]5 eg]/ ;do tf]s]sf] x'G5 . h:t} …d laxfgb]lv km'6an v]ln/x]sf] x'g]5' . – slxn] b]lveg]/ k|Zgubf{ laxfgb]lv ;do tf]lsPsf] x'g]5' .
1.  Affirmative; Sub + shall/will + Been + mv1 +ing  + object + since or for + time.
For example;
dljxfg b]lv tkfO{nfOklv{/x]sf] x'g]5' .
I shall been waiting you since morning.
pgL @ lbg b]lvsf]l;; u/]sLx'g]l5g\ .
She will been trying for 2 days.
ltld1980 b]lv sf7df8f}df a;]s]f x'g]5f} .
You will been living Kathmandu for 1980.
1.  Negative; Sub + will/shall + not + Been + mv1 +ing  + object + since or for + time.
For example;
tkfO{sf] 5f]/f @ lbgb]lv :s'ncfO{/x]sf] x'g]5}g\ .
Your son will not been coming to school for 2 days.
l/df ;fFem b]lv cfˆgf] n]zgofbul//x]lsx'g]l5g\ .
Rima will not been learning her lessons since evening.
1.  Interrogative; will/shall + been + Sub + mv1 + ing + Object+ since or for + time?
For example;
s] ltld!)jif{oxfFsfdul//x]sf] x'g]5f}<
Had you been working here for 10 years?
1.  Double Interrogative; WhFamily +will/shall + been + Sub + mv1 + ing + Object+ since or for + time?
For example;
Where will you been going since morning?


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