
Academic Writing its features & Characteristics.


In a Layman's word, academic writing refers to writing done for several reasons. Also, it has many different forms. A board definition of a academic writing is any writing done to fulfil a requirement of a collage or university. Academic writing is also used for publication that is read by teachers and researchers or presented at conferences. A very broad definition of academic writing may include any writing assignment given in an academic setting. For example: books, book reports translations, essays, research articles, conference paper, etc.
         Academic writing has some characteristics that are as follows:

1. Formality:

Academic writing is a formal writing which seems different from the other (Personal ) writing. It follows some procedures. There are no colloquial words or expressions.

2. Objectively:

it is not a haphazard writing. A writer has certain goal of writing because it narrowly or wildly influences to the audience. It is written to improve in academic knowledge area, or to expand the knowledge related to particular subject matter.

3. Explicitness:

Academic writing is explicit about the relationships in the text. It is explicit in its sign posting of the organization of the ideas in the text. A writer should have the responsibility to make text clear to the readers how various parts are related. It is explicit in its acknowledgement of the ideas in the text.

4. Precision:

In academic writing we need to precise when we use information, dates or figures. These should be correct and clear.


Academic writing is rather serious writing. It faces a great deal of readers. It, therefore, should be accurate in terms of selecting vocabulary, register, information reference, authentic materials, etc.

6. Hedging:

Academic writing is formal, accurate, and scientific writing. It conveys factual information. However, a writer wants to convey and claim some particular ideas on particular subject. So, she/ he uses words like seem, believe, look like , think, suggest often, usually, certainly, possibility, as sort of, a kind of, etc. These hedges are used to make a decision about the writer's stance.

7. Complexity:

Written language is rather complex than spoken language and personal writing. Written languages should contain appropriate word selection, less repetition, complex grammatical structure and dense information in a single sentences. Therefore, a writer uses cover term, phrases, clauses, etc.

8. Consistency:

There are some styles of academic writing. MLA, APA and Chicago Manual. Among them, a writer should choose any one only.

9. Responsibility:

The writer should take responsibility of his/ her writing . There must be old and new information from different sources. He/ she must be responsible for  demonstrating and understanding of and source of the text which are used.

Academic writing structure.

Every writing has ow shapes and formats. In the same way academic writing also has it framework i.e. introduction part, body part and conclusion part.

1. Introduction:

In this part we must grab the reader's attention and identify the thesis of the paper. We can do this by starting with several questions for quotations from a  famous work or person to draw the reader's interest. We could also start with some interesting information or a definition of an important term related to the work.

2. Body:

This is the main part of the work and the paragraphs must be clearly written and be arranged in a logical order like chronologically in order of importance. Each initial sentence link the preceding paragraph and the whole section flows smoothly.

3. conclusion:

In this conclusion, a writer re- emphasize the thesis and summarise all the main points. The conclusion consisting of one paragraph shows the final conclusion to the reader.
                               The paragraph in the body of the work needs to began with a topic sentences and all the sentences after that need to be coherent. This is established by repeating importance works, using synonymy and substitution for the main subject and using words that makes a transition between sentences like: however for example or therefore etc.
                     The body of the work needs to have paragraphs that are coherent just like sentences. The topic sentences of each paragraph should link the paragraph with the preceding one or the thesis statement. You link paragraph and using transitional words and sentences.

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