
Malini - Grade/Class 11 Summary & All Questions & Answers.

Points to Understand
  ü It is a poetic play.
  ü It talks about love and hatred.
  ü In the play, the writer talks about a conflict between Hinduism and Buddhism. He mean that Buddhism is superior to Hinduism.
  ü Buddhism advocates in favour of non-violence and brotherhood.
  ü The prinecess, Malini, is the central character of the play.
  ü She is the symbol of love, truth, peace and brotherhood.
  ü She doesn't believe in Gods of book.
  ü She is ready to be self-exciled from the palace for new religion.
  ü She is taught in Buddhism. She is influence by Buddhism.
  ü Even through it is dangerous for her to follow new religion, she never get affraid of it.
  ü The Brahmins revolt aganist Buddhism. They want to banish her from the palace to protect their religion.
  ü Kemankar even goes to foreign country to bring foreign soliders to revolt aganist her.
  ü When Kemankar is betrayed by his best friend, the king capture him on the charge of treson aganist the kingdom.
  ü On the request of Malini and Supriya, the king is ready to forgive him.
  ü Kemankar is firm in his belief. He tells the king that he will complete work he bas begun.
  ü The king becomes furious and asks Kemankar about his wish.
  ü Kemankar wishes he would like to meet his best friend, Supriya.
  ü When Kemankar meets Supriya, he kill him.
  ü The king cannot control his anger at the end of the play.
  ü Malini again request her father to forgive him.
  ü Malini wants to give up materialistic things that and wordly pleasures.
  ü She wants to know pain and suffering of common people.
  ü She wants to tech them the truth of her new religion.
  ü She doesn't take revenge aganist Kemankar.
  ü She is preacher of peace,virtues and non-voilence.

"Malini" is the poetic play about love and hatred. In the play, there is a conflict between Hinduism and Buddhism. The princess Malini is the symbol of love, truth and non- voilence. She is taught in Buddhism. Though it would be dangerous for her to follow Buddhism in the land of Hinduism, she is never afraid. She doesn't believe on the Gods of books. The Brahmins are worried about her. They think that she is bringing the new creed/ religion in the land of their old religion. The Brahmins revolt aganist Buddhism. They are willing to banish the princess from the palace. To protect their old religion, they go to the palace demanding the banishment of Malini. Kemankar even goes to foreign land to bring the soliders to revolt aganist the new creed and to protect the old religion. When his own best friend betrays him, Kimankar is captured by the king. He is going to be given death sentence for his treason aganist the Kingdom. However, in the request of Supriya and Malini, the king is ready to forgive him. One the other hand, Kemankar is so firm in his resolution that he doesn't want any pardon. When the king asks him what he will do if he is forgiven.kemankar replies that he will complete thework he has begun. Then the king gets more angry and aks Kemankar his last wish.

 Kemankar replies that he wants to see his bestfreind, Supriya goes to him, Kemankar strikes Supriya with the chain and kill him for his betrayal of their friendship. Then finally when Kemankar calls the executioner, the king rises with his own sword. Malini requests the king to forgive Kemankar and the play ends with suspense whether or not the king forgives Kemankar.
 1.The play "Malini" ends with Malini's "Father, forgive Kemankar." Do you think the king forgive Kemankar? Dicuss.
Or, Why does Malini ask the king to forgive Kemankar at the end of the play?
Or, The play "Malini" ends with a suspense of whether or not the king forgives Kemankar. Do you think the king fulfils Malini's request to forgive Kemankar?
Or, Write the play " Malini" in your own words.
Or, Write the summary of "Malini".
Or, Write the story of "Malini"
Or, Describe the character of Malini.
Or, Sketch the character of Malini.
Or, Do you think Malini asked for her own banishment from the palace?
Or, Draw the character of Malini.
 ü Malini is the princess. She is young and beautiful. Though she is born in the palace among the riches ( treasures), comforts and happiness,she is never interested in the wordly happiness. She is taught about Buddhism and she is the image of truth, love, vortues. She doesn't believe on the Gods of books. She is not ready to follow the traditional old religion. Though it was dangerous for her to accept the new religion in the land of old creeds, she never bows to the face hood. The Buddhism are against Malini's new creed. They are united to protect their old traditional religion. They go to the palace demanding for the banishment of Malini from the palace. To the great surprise of the king and the Brahmins, she asks for own banishment. She is not satisfied with the comforts, pleasure, treasures and luxurious life of the palace. Though she is young and beautiful princess, she never wears ornaments. She wants to go out of the palace to understand pain, poverty and the bitter reality of the outer world. She wants to banished to go out of the palace to guide the people living in the darkness and pathless sea. She wants to teach them the truth of her new religion.
Malini is the lover of truth, reality and humanity. She is the preacher of peace, virtues and non-violence. She is not a common girl. The queen herself tell that her daughter is the pure flame of fire. She is believe to be the divine sprite. When she goes among the people, they regard her as the Mother of the World. The people love her, keep her in their hearts and follow her path "To err is human and the forgive is divine" is her ideology. She makes the king ready to forgive the reasoner, Kemankar. At, the end of the play, when Kemankar murders Supriya, Malini still request the king to forgive the murderer. This show that Malini is really virtuous, large-heated, truly religious, gentle,materially poor and spiritually rich and genius.

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